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One of my greatest joys comes in witnessing others experience the energy of reiki in their hands for the first time.


Reiki training is a sacred initiation that activates you as a channel for energy, awakening your innate powers as a healer. I offer training classes throughout the year for anyone who wishes to learn to harness reiki energy for their own personal growth or for healing others. Attuning to reiki is often the first step on an amazing spiritual journey. I run courses over two days in intimate groups of two, to ensure that everyone has the space and time they need to truly immerse in the magic of reiki.


The attunement process will raise your energetic vibration and connect you to your soul self, whilst strengthening your connection to universal energy and the world around you. Healing is an inside job and starts with you. Find your inner balance and awaken your innate healing capabilities, whilst connecting to your personal power and aligning to your purpose.


Learn to channel energy from the universe to calm your mind, heal your body & restore your natural energy flow for optimum health and wellbeing. There is an ancient wisdom that lies dormant within each of us that can be harnessed. Reiki is the energy of life, the field of interconnection and a feeling of oneness with everything.

Energy healing is accessible to everyone, it is simple and intuitive. Originally developed as a pathway to enlightenment, focussing on meditation and mindfulness practices. I teach reiki centred in simplicity & intuition, free from the dogma of the westernised practice. These teachings are a pathway for aligning to your true peaceful nature and an awakening of consciousness.

Attuning to reiki will enable you to tap into your compassionate inner self, shifting your perspective and helping you to view the world through the lens of love.

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Why learn reiki?

reiki level 1 - shoden

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reiki level 2 - okuden

Okuden means the inner or hidden teachings


Reiki level one must be completed before this stage can be achieved. You do not need to have trained with The Red Kite Reiki at level one to study level two with me. I advise leaving at least a 6 month gap for integration of each new healing frequency before proceeding to the next level. There is often much personal healing to move through.


The empowerments received at this level deepen your connection to the energy, increasing the flow through your body thus strengthening your relationship with the divine. The sacred symbols of focus, harmony & connection will be taught, aiding concentration when channelling energy. You will learn to meditate with each frequency to further your own self healing.

This is a wonderful time of exploration in deeper dimensions of healing and learning to trust your intuition as you continue to travel along your spiritual path. We will focus on freeing your reiki practice, allowing the energy to guide you. Intention & intuition remain at the forefront of the teachings. I encourage all of my students to find and develop their own style and approach to building their connection. With time your healing will begin to take on your own specific flavour. Every reiki healer has a slightly different frequency. It is exciting to see what direction your healing will move in.

The course is held in my dedicated reiki space in my home in Tarland, Aberdeenshire and runs across 2 days, 10am-2pm each day.

We will cover:

The different energy frequencies available to call in.


How to enhance your self-healing and treatments of others, with knowledge of the sacred reiki symbols.


Creative methods for sending reiki .


How to send remote healings with the understanding that limitations in space & time are human constructs. Reiki is without limit. Any time… any place… Free your healing practice, rest in oneness.


You will receive a certificate of training (upon completion of 6 case studies), 3x reiki empowerments, a full reiki treatment, a comprehensive manual for further reading and a couple of days full of healing and enlightenment.


Upon completion of reiki 2 you will be able to obtain insurance and establish your own reiki practice working with clients if you  so wish.

Book in here.


The cost of the course is £240.


A deposit of £50 is required to secure your place. The remaining £190 is to be paid the week before the training. Payments can be made in cash, BACs or via Paypal.

Shoden means first teachings.

Awaken your inner light and initiate your innate healing ability.


This is an entry level teaching. No prior experience or knowledge is necessary to attend. Whether you're looking to become a Reiki practitioner or simply want to explore the world of energy healing, this course is the perfect place to start.


The course is held in my dedicated reiki space in my home in Tarland, Aberdeenshire and runs across 2 days, 10am-2pm each day.


During our time together I will guide you through the history of reiki and the principles of living with an energetic awareness in life. Learn how to sense the energy and how to use it to heal yourself, your friends and your family. Once connected it will stay with you throughout your life, leading to a whole new way of perceiving the world around you.


The empowerments you receive over the weekend will raise your energetic vibration and reconnect you to your soul self & purpose; this is transformational work. Reiki 1 is often the first step on the spiritual journey toward contentment and inspiration. Attuning to Reiki does not necessarily lead to working with energy professionally. Self healing is the basis of your reiki journey and practice. Connecting into the source energy and channelling it through your own being will bring you into alignment, which is the best way for any of us to serve the world. And you’ll feel fantastic for it!

On this course you will:

Receive 3 empowerments that will activate a tangible awareness of the energy.

Begin to understand the nature of universal energy.

Gain an understanding of chakras and how these fit into the reiki system of healing.

Carry out energy exercises to learn how to sense the subtle energetic changes.

Come away with ideas on how to infuse reiki into everyday life.

Gain practical experience with the energy of others, so you can feel confident in your abilities when you leave.

Receive a full body healing.

I will provide a certificate of training, your reiki lineage (a reiki family tree), a comprehensive manual for further reading and a couple of days full of healing and enlightenment.

After Reiki 1 you will walk away with healing hands of your own to use on yourself, friends, family & situations, for life. Anyone can do it, young, old, male, female. A life skill you will never regret learning. It will be with you forever. 

Book in here.

The cost of the course is £150.

A deposit of £50 is required to secure your place. The remaining £100 is to be paid the week of training at the latest. Payments can be made in cash, BACs or via Paypal.

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Training Dates

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