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Why you need a red kite reading

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The universe is always speaking to you, sending you signs, but it's not always easy to understand the messages. I am your translator, a middle man, giving voice to your guidance.


A tarot reading helps you to:


  • Tune in to your divinity.

  • Connect with the innate beauty & magic of your path.

  • Unveil the hidden truths by listening to your soul's voice.


You'll walk away with your purpose IGNITED and path ILLUMINATED.


Tarot readings are a conversation with your soul, helping you identify ways in which you may be keeping yourself stuck, whilst highlighting what you can do to break yourself free. Spirit will offer suggestions that empower you to make positive changes in your life and ways to navigate the possible challenges. 


The tarot provides clarity for your questions, connecting into YOUR intuition when you feel paralysed by choices. I, as the reader, will not be making decisions for you. I won't be predicting your future. But I will give you the tools to help you move forward on your path with confidence.  


I am not a fortune teller. True divination is not seeing into the future, but seeing the present clearly. Being present & taking control of your now, shapes your future & opens space for healing your past. A tarot reading clears away the fog helping you to connect to yourself on a deeper level.  


You will often find that you already hold the keys that you need. I will help you see that. The rest is then up to you.  


Is the universe calling you?


Are you curious to see what messages await you? 



Book your in person tarot reading here


Purchase your written or recorded tarot reading here

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What people are saying

"Josie, your 3 card spreads wow wow wow! You soul sister are truly gifted at tarot" - Rebecca

You & Them Deep Dive

Product Details

This reading intends to bring conscious awareness to the unique flow of energy within one of your close relationships. This can be romantic, platonic, familial or with a mere acquaintance.

The cards will explore the dynamics between both parties, bringing focus to the energies that you each bring to the connection, highlighted areas of growth & lessons held within the relationship.

The reading projects the current flow of energy forward for possible future short term & longer term outcomes. Finally, your Spirit team deliver advice & support to help you thrive (or survive) in this union.

This reading is a must for any new relationship.

A written transcript of your messages will be typed and sent via email alongside photos of the cards within 10 days of purchase.

Note: If you feel it would be beneficial to provide additional background to where you are in this moment and what you would like to achieve from your reading, please reach out to start a dialogue with me at Let's get the most out of this reading for you.


Disclaimer: Readings are not predictions of the future. I will look at the energies around you in the present which are influencing your decisions, the choices YOU make ultimately shape your future. Challenges may be presented but always alongside support, guidance & action steps. Once in receipt of the communication, you must exercise your free will to tread your own path.

You & Them Deep Dive
Online Tarot
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